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Privacy Policy

At BigWave Labs Inc (makers of Ocean), we strongly value your rights to privacy when using our apps and services.

Our business is to sell beautiful and intuitive software, not your personal data created or generated by using our applications.

Whenever possible, we prefer not collecting data from you.

But in those exceptions that we do collect data, the sections below are describing what type of information is collected, how long it is retained and the procedures you can use to request erasure from our third-party providers.

All data collected is secured using high-end security protocols. That data is made accessible on a need to know basis and only to internal employees who needs access to respond to your requests.

Personal Data

Ocean stores locally, on your computer, all emails content retrieved from your authorized Google account.

Along with that information, the proper identification data needed to access your email account (email address, account authentication and API tokens) is never processed nor stored by the Ocean cloud server infrastructure.

Tasks data is stored locally on your computer. You may elect to synchronize that data with Apple iCloud service so it is available with the Ocean for iOS application. The privacy policy governing data stored in iCloud is available from Apple here.  

If you opt into the Ocean Meetings service, your email, name and account authentification data is captured and stored within the Ocean cloud server infrastructure residing on our third-party infrastructure provider.

We also capture all information necessary to coordinate meeting requests between you and your recipient. This includes your recipient email address, name, and the calendar event ID associated to this request.

You can explicitly opt-out of the Ocean Meetings service using the provided option in the Ocean app. Opting out will delete all data for your account hosted on our Ocean cloud service infrastructure.

Ocean use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Email List

You may be given an opportunity to sign up for our newsletter. If you accept and supply us with your email address, it will be added to our newsletter list.

We generally send a montly newletter detailing new product releases or important information about our apps. Those mailings are sent using our third-party provider (http://buttondown.email).

Your email address is stored by our mailing list provider on their server. For further details, please review their privacy policy.

You can explicitly ask us to remove your email address from our list by following the unsubscribe link at the end of any messages associated to that list.  

Application Usage Analytics

Upon first using our apps, you will be opted-in into Application Usage Analytics.

Usage Analytics is provided by a third-party service (www.mixpanel.com). The anonymized analytics data is stored on our third-party infrastructure. You can review their privacy policy.

We use this service to help us gather anonymized data and to perform usage analysis; determining which features are being used; how those features are accessed; perform A/B testing of new features and help us deliver a better performing product.

This information cannot be used to identify you personally.If you want to opt out, follow the instructions in the Preferences section of our apps to perform that function.

Opting out of Application Analytics will also delete all your anonymized captured data from our third-party provider.Analytics data is kept for 120 days.

Crash Logs

We want you to have the best experience using our apps. Our apps enables a crash collection service by default. That service collects anonymous data about the section of the application that is at fault.This data is sent after the application is restarted and whenever there is fault to our third-party provider (sentry.io).

The data enables us to better diagnose the fault and provide a correction in a future update. The data contained in a "crash log" can include: the state of the app at the time of the fault, the device characterics where the app is running (screen size,  os version, memory size).

When installing your Apple Operating system, you may have given permission to Apple to collect crash logs on our behalf.  You can view Apple Policy about crash log collection here.


When using our website or interacting with any of our web services, via a web browser, or indirectly by using our apps which is making network requests, some network data information is being logged.

This can include: the service you requested; the identification information of the application or browser making that request; the resulting operation status of the request; the date and time the request was issued.

That information is stored in our third-party cloud provider (cloud.google.com). In most cases, we don't inspect these audit logs unless we need to diagnose problems with the servers or the availability of our services.

We could also analyze the information in aggregate form to remediate malicious requests or to better plan availability of our service.  Data retention of these logs are governed by our third-party provider.

Support Interactions

If you contact us for a customer-service request, we may collect from you the following information: your social media handle or your email address; the information you provided us (in the feedback form or within the communication channel you selected); the date and time the request was made.

We use this information to properly open a support ticket and ensure we can respond in a timely manner to your request. We might associated your support request to similar crash logs we received to better diagnose the problem.

Data Backup

As you might expect, we keep backups of company data so that a catastrophic data loss event doesn't put us out of business. Although collected personal data expires from our "active" data set according to the schedules mentioned above, it may persist in backups for up to 6 months.

Backups are only accessible to privileged employees who perform system administration work. We consider the backups "cold storage" and we don't pull data from them unless a significant data loss event has occurred.

Effective Date and Changes

This Privacy Policy is effective as of November 14th, 2022.

We may update this policy from time to time for any reason. We will notify of changes by posting a new revision on this website. You should consult our Privacy Policy page regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.


If you have any questions concerning this Policy, you may contact us at legal@bigwavelabs.co

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